telangana devepors and celebrations

 Bathukamma Celebrations
Date: 29-Sept-2012 Saturday 
Time: 11:30 am to 6:00 pm
Centennial Park, Picnic Area 8
151 Elmcrest Rd, Toronto, ON M9C3S2
Note: Centennial Park has four entraces, please use the above address for GPS purpose. This entrance is from Rathburn Road - Toronto & Mississauga boarder
 If you are interested to volunteer or bring any food please contact

Telangana Vanta Aata – Maata Muchata – A Grand success
On Saturday, July 28th, 2012, several Telanganites living in the Greater Toronto Area assembled at High park in Toronto and celebrated authentic Telangana summer outing – Chatlakinda bhojanlalu in the name of ‘Telangana Vanta Aata – Maata Muchata’. The event was organized by Telangana Development Forum (TDF), Canada and the turnout was pretty huge (around 400) as the organizers took utmost care in making the event a grand success. The weather was also very much supportive and the premises brought the true atmosphere of the countryside of Telangana. Students, visiting parents were also part of the event. Two minute silence was observed in the beginning in memory of Telangana martyrs and Late Acharya Kothapally Jayashanker sir. Onsite cooking was also arranged apart from authentic and delicious Telangana food items brought in by various members. Several types of games for various age groups were also included in the event. TDF, Canada dignitaries detailed everyone about the motives of the organization and also about future programs.
Reiterated our support to the formation of statehood of Telangana:
TDF, Canada took this event as an opportunity to echo its support and extended solidarity to the noble cause of Telangana statehood. A physical letter was drafted on TDF, Canada ’s letterhead (addressed to various political dignitaries/stake holders back home) stressing the urgency of taking a decision in favor of Telangana statehood formation. Physical signatures were gathered on the letter from all the guests, included their contact details and sent directly via Canada post to the recipients back in Delhi and Hyderabad . We received several applauses from the guests about the signature campaign and many of them felt the necessity of similar campaigns at this crucial juncture from various Telangana organizations across the globe which would definitely bring in some mileage towards achieving our dream state.
– Thanks to the suggestions made by Dileep Konatham in framing a short and powerful content (please find attached the same).
Extended support to the charity activities back in Telangana:
We also took this opportunity to make generous contributions to the ongoing charity and development activities back in Telangana apart from promoting our culture and extending support for the cause of statehood. A fund raising program was organized and we were able to collect an amount of CD$ 700 from various donors. All the proceedings will be sent to ‘Manochaithanya’ organization based in Godavarikhani in Karimnagar district which runs several programs to support mentally handicapped people. – Tons of thanks to all those who came forward and generously contributed for this humble cause. After all, we all believe in the saying, “Helping hands are holier than praying lips”.
Significance of yoga and meditation by Baba Savitananda:
Baba Savitananda, a native of Nizamabad district and who is currently visiting Canada also made his presence at the event. He explained the importance of yoga and meditation to the guests and also made everyone perform few asanas as well. Baba Savitananda is a staunch supporter of Telangana state formation and also took part at the protest event that took place in NYC during Sonia Gandhi’s visit against the delay in the formation of the state.
Telangana Development Forum (TDF), Canada sincerely thank all those who attended the event and also to those who contributed in making the event a grand success (especially to women for making authentic Telangana food items).
Jai Telangana!
Jai Jai Telangana!!
For Telangana, Forever…!!!
Note: A program emphasizing the culture/festivities of Telangana region along with the significance of the statehood formation is on its way at the India parade that is going to be held on August 11th at downtown Toronto on the eve of Indian Independence Day. Our goal is to reach out to fellow Indians and explain about the significance of our region and the importance of Telangana statehood formation.
As usually we are planning our next event – Bathukamma on 29th September in Centennial Park, Toronto and also making significant efforts to extend our support to ‘Telangana March’ scheduled for 30th of September in Hyderabad.

TDF Canada à°¸ంà°˜ం ఆద్వర్à°¯ంà°²ో à°œూà°²ై 28à°¨ జరపబడుà°¤ుà°¨్à°¨ 'à°¤ెà°²ంà°—ాà°£ా à°µంà°Ÿ ఆట à°®ాà°Ÿ à°®ుà°š్à°šà°Ÿ(à°šెà°Ÿ్à°² à°•ింà°¦ à°¬ోజనాà°²ు)' à°•ాà°°్యక్à°°à°®ాà°¨ిà°•ి à°¤ెà°²ంà°—ాà°£ా à°ª్రజలందరిà°¨ీ ఆహ్à°µాà°¨ిà°¸్à°¤ుà°¨్à°¨ాà°®ు.

à°¤ేà°¦ి: à°œూà°²ై 28, 2012
సమయం: ఉదయం 11 à°—ంà°Ÿà°² à°¨ుంà°¡ి à°¸ాà°¯ంà°¤్à°°ం 7 à°—ంà°Ÿà°² వరకు
à°µేà°¦ిà°•: High Park, à°Ÿొà°°ంà°Ÿో

TDF Canada invites you to "Telangana Vanta Aata Maata Muchata" a grand event which is similar to our traditional Telangana Summer outing(Chetlakinda Bhojanaalu). Lot of games and other fun filled activities for everyone. Also includes authentic Telangana Food items. Please mark on your calenders and make it convenient to attend this big event.

Date: 28-July-2012 Saturday, 11am to 7pm
Venue: Area 14, High Park, 1873 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, M6R 2Z3
telangan location


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